
Supportive Leadership

In a climate of unprecedented stress & overwhelm, wellbeing & employee experience are more important than ever.

But if leaders continue to be the problem solvers for their teams, it’s their own wellbeing that will suffer.

The Supportive leadership program provides a platform to discuss challenges, get on the same page and to take individual and group responsibility for action & changes.

more important than ever

This program brings leaders and key stakeholders together to identify and discuss challenges and stressors, so that they can collaboratively problem solve and commit to action.
Identifying and adapting behaviours that are helpful and unhelpful in times of challenge, provide a foundation to develop critical communication skills to build relationships and achieve outcomes.
Your facilitators take a coaching based approach so that participants can reflect, take responsibility for problem solving and apply skills with their teams and stakeholders.
Supportive Leadership


1.Ideal For:

  • Leadership team,

  • Operational management,

  • Team leaders and critical SME roles

2.High Level Overview

  • Healthy & unhealthy pressure
  • Stress management behaviours
  • Control & surrender
  • Supportive Communication
  • Accountability Conversations
  • Listening & questioning skills
  • Building resilience
  • Correct reflection and commitment to action

3.Delivery Mode

  • Full Service Program: Develop your talent’s Supportive Leadership Capacity at scale across multiple teams
  • Integrated Support Module: Feature this workshop as specialised part of your existing internal programs
  • Targeted Workshops: Address this specific skill gap across your organisation in multiple, standalone short programs